There is an invaluable old Bulgarian manuscript in the British Library in London – the Four Gospels of Tsar Ivan Alexander. Below it is the inscription “Bulgarian Empire” or in other words, the British say that Bulgaria was an Empire! Moreover, in the English “History of Nations” by Arnold Toynbee, it is said that there are a total of 21 civilizations in the world, one of which is the Bulgarian. The Bulgarians were the most numerous people, who, thanks to their attractive culture, increased their borders from Crimea to Belgrade and from the Carpathians to the White Sea in ancient times called Thracian! ”In the Byzantine Troparion from the end of the first millennium it reads: they were once the fairest of all nations, and of all the world’s most revered virtues, and themselves attained great glory, and the cities and nations joined them voluntarily. ”Later the great English historian Prof. Norman Davis confirmed and proved with a number of facts that the Bulgarians are the oldest nation in Europe and the creators of the civilization of the Old Continent. His words are: “When Bulgaria was a state, Europe walked straight under the table”! French politicians and scholars about the Bulgarians The President of France, General de Gaulle, thanked the Bulgarians because “the Bulgarian state is the cradle of European culture and civilization.” is confirmed by another French president Francois Mitterrand, who later said: “The Bulgarian people are one of the founders of the civilization of our planet. The Bogomils created the European Revival! ”The famous French historian Alfred Rambo says:“ Tsar Simeon was for the Bulgarians what Charlemagne was to us, but more educated and much happier because he managed to create a national literature. ”Magnus Enodius in his Praise for King Theodoric wrote “The Bulgarians – this is the people who had everything they wanted. They believed that the world was open to them. they never doubted their victory, this is the people who amazed the world. “Italian scientists about the Bulgarian people The words of Italian President Carlo Champi are similar:” Bulgarians are one of the first creators of our civilization. ” And the Italian professor Sante Gracotti says: “One of the main merits of the Bulgarians is that they kept the Turks away from the heart of Europe for several centuries. They paid dearly with their blood, faith, freedom, and the decline of their brilliant culture of the time. “World-renowned Byzantine professor Geza Feher says:” The Bulgarians were the people who contributed most to the organization and shaping of the civilization of The whole other Eastern scientists and public figures for Bulgaria The Ambassador of Ukraine to Bulgaria Vyacheslav Pokhvalsky uttered the following words: “Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Russians remember that our writing, culture and Orthodox faith originate from Bulgaria. I want to remind everyone of the fact that the first two Ukrainian patriarchs are ethnic Bulgarians – Grigory Tsamblak and Kyprian. “Japanese Professor Shigeoshi Matsuyama claims that the Bulgarian state is among the seven world civilizations.” The Romanian Denshianu says that the Romanians lived so long in contact with the Bulgarians, who extended their power beyond the Danube lands, that they owed their civilization to this common life in the Middle Ages. Russian academician Dmitry Likhachev writes: “And foreign invaders could not defeat this COUNTRY OF THE SPIRIT, because, in defense of the Bulgarian nation the Bulgarian language, script and culture stand in solid line! the cultural language of all Orthodox Slavs. This is the first state literary language in Europe used before the emergence of literary German, French, Italian, English, and Russian languages. ”“… The Bulgarian nation is the oldest of the existing cultural nations not only in Europe but also in the whole world. The past engulfed antiquity, ancient Rome, Greece, etc., but Bulgaria remained as a living fragment of ancient European culture. ”P.S. And for this we must save Bulgaria, to preserve it so that it is not just the last fragment of the past, but a civilizational culture that will cross the third millennium and carry it to the future… “